Stand Up to Bullying: Strategies for Empowerment

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Did you know that 1 in 3 young people experience bullying every year?

This equates to countless children experiencing physical aggression, verbal abuse, and/or social exclusion, and remains a persistent challenge in schools worldwide. To help combat this complex issue, proactive measures must be taken by families, educators, communities, and children themselves.

We’re here to help kickstart the learning and conversation with an insightful webinar, ‘Prevent Bullying and Empower Children.’ This event is hosted in partnership with The Stand Up Project (SUP), and is led by Dr. Zach Greig – an expert in community empowerment and youth advocacy.

Dr. Greig’s webinar aims to shift the conversation from managing bullying to preventing it and empowering children. All registered participants, whether principals, educators, parents, children, or concerned community members, will gain insights into the social dynamics contributing to poor behaviours in schools. You’ll learn practical strategies to help children recognise, prevent, and respond to bullying effectively.

Key Highlights Include:

  • Understanding various forms of bullying (from overt aggression to subtle exclusion)
  • Exploring the importance of bystander intervention and empowering children to become ‘Upstanders’ in real-world settings
  • Learning practical and relevant strategies to engage with children experiencing bullying or poor behaviour

Your participation can help make a significant difference.

What You’ll Learn:

  • By attending this webinar, you’re not just learning about bullying; you’re becoming a part of the solution.
  • As the complexities of bullying are navigated, you’ll equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to foster a kinder and more empathetic culture for everyone.

To register for this important event and gain access to more resources on preventing bullying, click below and follow the details.

For more information about Dr. Zach Greig and The Stand Up Project, visit:

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