Using Positive Affirmations at Home

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We all need a healthy amount of self-esteem and confidence to lead a happy life. We help to build these qualities in our children by loving and supporting them. It’s also just as important for a child to build their own positive beliefs about themselves – a skill that they can take with them into adulthood.

What we say to ourselves has power over what we become, and we can help our children

grow their positive self-belief by using positive affirmations.


A positive affirmation is a statement that is said repeatedly to reaffirm positive beliefs. Repeating these types of phrases daily teaches us to speak to ourselves with kindness and builds self-esteem and confidence in children.

Some examples of positive affirmations you can use with your child are:

  • I am perfect just the way I am
  • I accept myself even though sometimes I make mistakes
  • I am loved
  • Every day brings new opportunities
  • I can become whatever I want to be
  • I am open to new and exciting possibilities
  • Wonderful and awesome things happen to me


Just a few positive words in the morning can make a huge difference in your child’s day. Come up with some positive affirmations that are relevant to your child and write them down on colourful cards. You can also add a picture or decorations for extra inspiration if you’d like. Have your child help make and decorate the cards.

Pick one of the cards and read it aloud together each morning, or at night before bedtime. Repeat the affirmation aloud at least 4 or 5 times. Keep using the same affirmation card for 3 to 4 weeks before moving on to a new one. You could also choose an affirmation based on what is happening in your child’s life rather than choosing a random card.

If you need some inspiration to come up with positive affirmations, there’re plenty of places you can visit online. Try the free downloadable cards at Kids Happy Apps or read more about affirmations at The Daily Mind.

Spending just a few minutes each day repeating positive affirmations can make a difference to your child’s self-esteem. It’s helpful for adults too, so be a role model and work on your own set of affirmations.

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